BASIX Certificates

BASIX stands for Building Sustainability Index. It is a sustainability assessment tool for residential buildings in NSW. BASIX aims to reduce the environmental impact of new homes by requiring them to meet certain minimum standards (for water and energy efficiency, and thermal performance) and to report on construction materials being used so their embodied energy can be calculated.

BASIX requirements apply to all residential dwelling types in NSW and form part of the development application process. NSW BASIX was a national first (starting in 2004) and is one of the strongest sustainable planning measures to be undertaken in Australia. As of 1 October 2023, the BASIX standards are aligned with and complement the National Construction Code 2022.

The BASIX standards increased on 1 October 2023 for all new residential buildings across NSW, except homes in climate zones 9,10 and 11 and apartment buildings up to 5 storeys.Homebuyers who sign a building contract for a new house or duplex before 1 October 2023 can apply to use the current BASIX standards for their new home. This additional transition period will end on 30 June 2024.

TP Sydney Town Planners & Heritage Consultants will provide you with BASIX certificates on time and within budget for all types of residential project; from a family home to multi-unit residential flat buildings.  We offer a 'one-stop-shop' solution to your BASIX needs, and our BASIX services include providing the following:

  • BASIX Certificate(s)
  • ABSA Thermal Comfort  Certificate(s)
  • Electronically stamping of architectural drawings in accordance with ABSA requirement
  • NSW State Government fees for BASIX Certificate
  • ABSA fees
  • Amendment to BASIX certificates should you need to change the building design / layout

Please contact TP Sydney Town Planner if you have any questions regarding getting a BASIX Certificate.

(C)2024 TRANPLAN - Sydney Town Planner

TP Consulting | Planning Consultants |  Heritage Consultant